CyberOptics’ SQ3000 3D AOI system wins all UK evaluations in 2018
We are delighted to announce that we have won every on-site head to head evaluation with CyberOptics’ SQ3000 3D Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) system that we were part of in the UK in 2018. Up against all of the main competitors, it proves that over a four week period or more, CyberOptics comfortably out performs the competition.
Register NowDownload DocumentWe are delighted to announce that we have won every on-site head to head evaluation with CyberOptics’ SQ3000 3D Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) system that we were part of in the UK in 2018. Up against all of the main competitors, it proves that over a four week period or more, CyberOptics comfortably out performs the competition. Moreover, the results were consistent across many sectors, including Automotive, Controls Electronics at Eaton Fulleon Products, Subcontract at Kelvinside and the Military.
Kelvinside Electronics Ltd’s Operations Director Ian Ferguey stated that “the CyberOptics SQ3000 gave us the fastest programming time with low false calls and easy programming software when tested against market alternatives. Bolstered by direct support from CyberOptics’ UK partner, Anglo Production Processes (APP), it provided the perfect match for our business.”
Eaton’s NPI Project Manager Neil Reid stated, “CyberOptics’ SQ3000 met all of Eaton’s needs during a three-month head to head evaluation against two of the major 3D AOI competitors. As we have 300 plus products to be tested, our main issue was the ability to get good results quickly. With programming time less than half a day, CyberOptics was the perfect solution.”
This year, we have also seen major purchases from existing CyberOptics customers, such as Axis Electronics, now running two 3D AOI systems with two SPI CyberOptics’ SE600 in their production line, and Axiom in Wales expanding to now running seven CyberOptics’ systems on its site.