IPP Group Ltd Hold Successful Three-Day Technology Showcase!
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IPP Group Ltd Hold Successful Three-Day Technology Showcase!

From 14th-16th May, IPP opened its new Bromsgrove facilities to over 120 guests.

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Jack Daly

May 20, 2024

May 22, 2024
2 minutes

Throughout the three days customers were able to experience a wide rangeof presentations and a ‘speed-dating’ style demonstrations on our systems.

Jack Daly, CEO of IPP comments, “It’s beaten all expectations and overall,a tremendous three days. Feedback from manufacturers and customers has beenexcellent, and that is the main point of IPP hosting these Tech Days.Manufacturers get valuable time to showcase their equipment and customers get apersonal demonstration.”

The ‘speed-dating’ demonstrations are over 9 stations, with a 20-minutepresentation slot for each manufacturer. Providing demonstrations on behalf of SEICA was Claudia Bocca,International Sales Manager who adds, “The IPP Tech days are a great event,it’s my second year, they’re very effective, a great opportunity to meet a lotof customers and see our products.”

Topics for discussion during the presentations included: ‘Challenges inAutomating the Production Line’ – by Universal and Asys and ‘InspectionStrategies for the moder SMT Line’ - by Nordson Test and Inspect, to name afew.

With the new purpose-built facility playing host once again, IPP wasable to increase the number of manufacturers and customers – with such asuccessful event now in the books, IPP looks forward to the 2025 Tech Days.

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